Horoscope Today

The Horoscope Of Jesus: Part 1
By Beverly

Daily Horoscopes Produced from the Transiting Planets are
The Most Personalized Horoscopes

They Show You How They are Working in YOUR LIFE...

These give you the most personalized daily horoscopes around.

Looking for answers as to why you feel so different on a day to day basis? One day you feel...and the next....

Sad, depressed, negative (saturn transit)
Excited, happy and optimistic (jupiter)
Mad, angry, spoiling for a fight (mars)
Passionate - turned on (mars and venus)
Obsessive (pluto)
Loving, nurturing (venus, moon)
Spacey, can't concentrate? (mercury/neptune)
Changes from out of the Blue (uranus)

When a transiting planet makes contact to one of your natal planets there is a release of energy. This energy influences you on a daily basis and creates the emotions and events that occur in your daily life. Emotions and events can come FROM you or they can come AT you.

When people read their daily horoscopes in the paper they're based solely on the sun sign. You and millions of people have the same horoscope for that day. Well, there's an even better method, and it is specific only to you.

The day you were born, the first breath you took, all the planets the sun, moon, and the angles stood still and created the entity that is YOU, your birth chart. Since that moment however, the planets kept on moving - all at different speeds. On a daily basis one or several make an aspect (an angle) to one of your natal planets, and depending on the planet making the contact, and the angle, will depend on the type of energy released.

Transiting Saturn squaring/opposing any part of your chart most likely will create a feeling of sadness/blues/negative thinking. However, when it is making a more harmonious aspect you will feel more stable/productive/get organized and clean out those closets and balance your checkbook kind of feeling.

Transiting Mars is the one to look out for. When squaring or opposing any planet/angles you may feel a bit of anger/frustration/accidents/arguments/road rage/ etc - and it can

be either from yourself or from someone else. On the other hand, when it is in a harmonious (trine/sextile) aspect you will feel a burst of energy/passion/productive get things done NOW kind of feeling, and it's also great for athletics.

And one last example is Uranus, the planet of separation, reversals, change, moving, divorce, upsets - when it is aspecting in a challenging way.
But it can also be liberating, exciting, spontaneous, and hey, change is good when you are wanting it! It'll give you the "courage" to make changes.

Every planet and even some other astrological points (asteroids, nodes) influence your daily horoscopes. . You can even LOOK AHEAD to see what kind of influence is heading your way !
So you can make the best of it and be aware...You know what they say "to be forewarned is to be forearmed "
This is the purpose of knowing your daily horoscope.

You always have a choice in how you deal with any transit, there are negative ways and there are positive ways. One example here would be when you are feeling really angry (mars transit), you can either cause a fight or you can run around the block a few times to let off some steam! (then you can come back and say what you need to say in a more relaxed manner) Energy is energy, and all emotions are energy. You decide how you will use this energy.

One other point is, the faster moving planets make contacts that affect your everyday life on a relatively short time basis, however, the slower moving planets make longer lasting change and these are the ones to look at deeply to understand the affect they are having on your life over a longer period of time.

It is very common for an astrologist or therapist to gain new clients when there is a long term transit working in someones life, especially when the outer planets are making contact to the personal astrological points (sun, moon, mercury, ascendant). This can come from Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto. Look for these in your daily horoscope so you can have awareness as to what is going on, and be proactive in the process of your life...

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