Horoscope Reading

We all want to find out what planet guides our sign and how astrologers interpret relations of planetary forces at the time of our birth.

Horoscope is a powerful tool offering insight into deep influence on our lives and there are many people depending entirely on it to take decisions. It is in the human nature to be curious about ourselves and there are many people considering the horoscope as the answer to their questions.

The zodiac has also a lot to teach us about our path in this life. The horoscope is much more than the daily prediction. It is a complicated process of analyzing various signs, discovering their compatibility and qualities.

There are many types of horoscopes and every one of them is trying to offer us specialized predictions.

Today the most popular methods of Astrology use twelve Signs and houses, using the Tropical Geocentric Zodiac (Earth centered). There are many variations available. One may use Heliocentric (Sun centered) astrology, or use the Sidereal Zodiac (which takes into account the precession of the Equinox). There are many popular houses systems in use today as well.

Most astrologers today tend to believe that the heavenly bodies do not reach down and push us about. Rather, the planets, luminaries, and stars "mimic" Earthly events. Synchronistic in nature, they correlate instead of dictate. This hands one's fate back to the individual, to augment or squander as one sees fit. The slight comfort of Fate has been replaced by responsibility for one's actions.

A horoscope is simply a chart of the heavens calculated by the rules of astronomy. It shows positions of the planets and zodiacal signs in relation to the earth. The Earth and planets revolve around the sun at varying rates and their positions relative to the Earth and to one another are constantly changing. Every moment the heavens are different. If a child were born now, while you are reading this, the positions of the planets at this moment will not be duplicated for about twenty-six thousand years, a period that the astronomers call a "Great Sidereal Year". In the meantime, the relations of the planets would undergo an infinite number of kaleidoscopic changes; consequently, their influence would be different with respect to every individual born in the interval.

It is further evident, however, that time is not the same the world over. When the Sun rises at the place where you live, it is setting at another place. When it is morning in your home, it is evening for the people in another part of the world. This makes another difference in the horoscopes of children born at the same moment but in different parts of the world, as you will readily understand when you consider that the Sun's rays affect the Earth differently in the morning, at noon, and at midnight. The planets' places and influence would also differ in the case of children born at the same time but in opposite parts of the world. If a planet were just above the birthplace of one, its rays would impinge upon that child with unimpeded force. To reach the other, born in an opposite part, it would be necessary for the stellar ray to travel directly through the Earth and part of its force would be spent by the time it reached the child. Therefore, planets under the Earth have less influence on a life than those above. Thus you see that time and place are the basic factors in a horoscope. The more accurately we are able to determine them, the better we shall be able to delineate the character and predict.

In noting the time of birth of children, it is advisable to have the clock set as accurately as possible. Mark that the time of birth in the astrological sense is not the moment of delivery but the instant when the infant gives its first cry, for that cry is the completion of its initial breath.
Today, people enjoy the fast Internet connection and use the World Wide Web to read and interpret their horoscope. The Internet is ready to provide amazing details about each sign and all you have to do is to find a good website. If you are reading your horoscope and trying to entangle the secrets of astrology, you are at the right place.

If you are interested in the astrology, calculating, and interpreting your horoscope then our website astropractice.com is perfect for you. Calculate your horoscope and read our interpretation. You may find yourself pleasantly surprised.

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Feel Special Through Chinese Horoscope Love

Predictions have always been our bone of contention. We get predictions done for several reasons whether it is related to work, education, career or marriage. But love has always gained our attention; as is an integral as well as significant part of our lives. In fact, we wait all our lives to have someone special and in that respect get our predictions done in the hope a great relationship. Without love there is nothing and our life constantly revolve around this very emotion. Hence, the latest one to catch the attention is Chinese horoscope love. One can predict the future of their love life through horoscope.

As we all know that the Chinese astrology is based on Ying-Yang and five elements, which are metal, water, wood, fire and earth. The Chinese horoscope love will be able to predict your future based on the twelve animal zodiac signs that have been segregated into four groups. The reason behind the grouping the animals is that animals have identical thinking according to Chinese scholars. Despite the variable facets of the individual animals, the style of understanding and thinking is aligned. The four groups comprise of mouse, dragon, monkey, second group includes buffalo, snake, cock, and the third group has tiger, horse and dog. Last but not the least; the fourth group consists of cat, goat and pig.

With the help of Chinese horoscope love, it becomes easy to gain knowledge about one’s love life. Through it, one can have their future predicted about his or her love and the person he or she is seeing at present. And if you are single and waiting to mingle then, do not worry, as Chinese horoscope love will help you in telling you when you will be fortunate to have the love of your life. If that’s not all you want, then you will also be able to gain knowledge on the person who is coming into your life pretty soon. For this, all you have to do is to consult a Chinese astrologer who has an ample knowledge on Chinese horoscope love and will be able to guide you in your fortune. The astrologer will require your day, time and year of birth; because Chinese horoscope love is predicted on the basis of details as well as the calendar and the five elements that form an integral part of Chinese astrology.

These five basic elements include metal, water, wood, fire and earth that are further combined with the twelve animal signs of rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, lamb, monkey, rooster, dog and pig to form the sixty year cycle. In fact, yours or anybody’s Chinese horoscope love is based on which lunar year in this sixty year cycle one was born. A fundamental part of this Chinese astrology is the elements conducive and controlling interrelationships and that can be witnessed in the making of Chinese horoscope love. After all, love happens once in a lifetime. Therefore, Chinese horoscope love is a perfect way to a perfect love life that you are going to treasure for whole of your life.

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The Horoscope – Read It, Like It, Understand It

There is no doubt that there a lot of people out there reading their horoscope and trying to entangle the secrets of astrology. The zodiac has a lot to teach us including all about birth signs, astrological charts, calculating our ascendant and understanding the Chinese correspondence.

There are many types of horoscopes and every one of them is trying to offer us various predictions. Today, most people enjoy the fast Internet connection and use the World Wide Web to read their daily horoscope and also about astrology terms. They want to know what planet guides their sign, how astrologers interpret the universe and its powers.

The horoscope is a very powerful thing. It has deep influence on our lives and there are some people depending entirely on it to take decisions. They use the Internet to find information about their personality and for furthermore astrology. It is in the human nature to be curious about ones person and there are lots of people considering the horoscope as the answer to a lot of questions.

Astrologers are working very hard in order to post their accurate predictions online. They do their best to present viable information and explain all the complicated terms of astrology. The horoscope is much more than the daily prediction. It is a complicated process of analyzing various signs, discovering their compatibility and qualities. The Internet is ready to provide amazing details about each sign and all you have to do is to find a good website.

When it comes to furthermore astrology, the possibility to go online and read all about astral predictions has been savored by many people. In this era driven mainly by technology, there is a pleasant feeling to be able to use the Internet on such purposes and discover exciting facts about the zodiac signs.

No matter if it is about daily or weekly predictions, if you want to read about furthermore astrology or just want to know what your sign is really like, the Internet is for sure the best resource to do all that. There are plenty of specialized websites, always prepared to enthrall you with their predictions and not only.

The position of the planets is perhaps one of the most important things in astrology. Furthermore astrology is influenced also by the Sun and the Moon. The horoscope is made for each person that relates to a particular sign. There are Earth, Fire, Air and Water signs. All have their characteristics and all are amazing in their own way. That is the power of the horoscope: understanding that the way we were made is nothing more but special and we should enjoy this fact.

When you think about furthermore astrology, you mind walks unknown paths hoping to discover more and more about this science. It is surprising to be able to read so many facts about each signs and still have to figure out the person born under the sign. Though there are many people born under the same sign, all are different.

We browse the Internet and search for astrology websites to read the predictions they make about our sign. We try to understand the concept of horoscope and what it is all about. We enjoy reading about famous celebrities who are born under our sign. In the end, all we are trying to do is to understand better what it really means to be a human and what influences us.

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What Does He/she Likes? Horoscope Sign Analysis

Aries people like being accepted and liked by others, as well as the finest wines, personalized license plates, lots of cash to throw around, new fashions, flowers, exotic cuisine with interesting garnishes, personalized presents in general, gifts wrapped in intriguing packages, books, and sparkling gems of every color in the rainbow, particularly those worth a lot of money.

Taurus people like soft, sensual surfaces, sensual joys of all kinds, a nice bank balance and other forms of financial security, assurance and well versed routines, presents of value attractively wrapped and promptly delivered, enjoying the moment of pleasure after a nice meal however before leaving the table, and in general doing the same thing over and over again.

Gemini people like being free to go around, the excitement of travel, talking phones, gadgets, fast food, acting as 'devil's advocate, ' doing more than a few things at once, knowledge, information, acting fast on decisions, diversity, novelty, change, company and being among people, pseudonyms, and getting to the bottom of things.

Cancer people like anyone who loves his or her mom, sentimental and family keepsakes, gourmet cuisine, shopping trips, history, especially family genealogy, any expression of affection such as flowers, a warm birthday card on the accurate date, the company of others, a calm working atmosphere, and any kind of close and affectionate physical contact.

Leo people like physical activity, everything that assures pleasure, being innovative, receiving birthday cards, beautifully wrapped personalized presents, silks, satins, gold, receiving appreciation, an supportive audience, sincere compliments, kids and pets, unusual food and innovative recipes, exotic drinks, luxury furnishings, and high quality fashions.

Virgo people like making lists, they usually have a well-stocked medicine cabinet, self-improvement lessons, promptness, mimicking others, grooming themselves, taking showers, using perfume soaps, dealing with details (no matter how minor or unimportant), little animals, helping others, and wearing nice-tailored clothes in muted colors and textures.

Libra people like pleasing environment, receiving notes and flowers, a good debate, being fussed over, being adored, people running errands for them, credit cards, having people surrounding them, concerning to smallest and most minute of details, being of service to others, soft and sensible tailored clothes of all designs and sizes, and muted or subtle colors and textures.

Scorpio people like strenuous action in the service of a good idea or strong emotion, the unraveling of mysteries (or create their mysteries in return), secrets whether known to them or unknown to them, winning at any price, being recognized the undisputed champion of anything, and the comfort of their own premises.

Sagittarius people like limitless freedom of action to do what they like, alternative or unusual ideas, being on the move constantly, plentiful food and drink, fragrance and beauty aids of any sort, gambling, raffles and lotteries of all sorts (the more chancy the better), loud parties with many of new and interesting people, and recreational flirting with those aforementioned people.

Capricorn people like hot, simple food, antiques, history, tasks and responsibilities, not being pressured by other people, having plenty of unconditional love and support, lots of personal privacy and 'only me time, ' that which is considered as the best of all, membership of an exclusive club, home and family, personalized presents, new books, and expensive gemstones .

Aquarius people like fame and recognition from public, thinking about themselves and their personal goals, personal privacy, dreams, rainbows, magic, change for its own sake, eccentricity, surprises, credit cards, ordering others what needs to be done and then examination them get on with it, weird friends and acquaintances, and living within their means regardless the temptations which constantly surround them every conscious moment.

Pisces people like seafood, champagne, organic foods of all types, romantic places, sunsets on the beach, mountain vistas, ponds, waterfalls, and water lilies, background music, poetry, people who require their kindness and understanding, mystical settings, incense, candles, being unconditionally loved and needed, freedom to drift along from time to time, and their own uninterrupted personal privacy.

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Pets Have Horoscopes Too!

Given that astrology has a profound effect upon our human world so it also influences the lives of our pets and just as the zodiac is divided up into 12 very different personality types it is perfectly natural that this should extend to animals. For example a homely Cancerian dog is much more likely to prefer curling up by the fire than an adventurous Aries of the same breed who will constantly yearn to explore the great outdoors.

And so too with cats. Cats can be hedonists, lazy, friendly, aggressive or timid. All these different traits can be explained by studying the astrological influences that determine their character and behaviour patterns. Now check out your own pet's horoscope to see what the stars say...

Pet Horoscopes

Your pets are full of high energy – they can do anything you want and keep on going. They are like the Energizer Bunny. If you don’t keep them busy they will be looking everywhere for adventure and excitement. Might be a good idea to try to keep them occupied so they don’t get in trouble. In their haste to keep busy something could be destroyed.

Your pets are in a real good mood. They are feeling healthy and happy. You can see the contentment in their eyes. You will see they look at you and say thank you for my wonderful life – you give me everything I need. Just being with your pets will make you feel very happy. Your pets are loyal and faithful and the love between you is mutual...

Your pets are happy go lucky. They are looking for good times and lots of playtime. They will love to socialize- with people or other pets – it doesn’t matter. It will be like they want party time and you are expected to provide the games, food and friends. You may have to dream up something new to do to keep this happy spirit content.

Your pets are feeling fine and dandy this month. They will be looking to you to keep them entertained and provide extra fun and games. They actually will be a little pesky wanting attention. You need to try to do something extra special this month – you both need a little extra fun in your lives. So find some type of adventure and enjoy yourselves.

Your pets are looking for adventure and you are elected to supply the fun. Travel or just a trip to the store or park. It must be somewhere new – where they will see new sights and smell new smells. It is absolutely necessary for you to treat these pets like they are royalty – they think they are, surely you know this by now. Have fun with your little kings or queens

Your pets are a little sad and lonely this month. They are feeling a little weary and discontented. A lot of TLC will be required to make them feel better and get back to their normal personalities. A lot of sweet talk and hugs will be very helpful. Maybe a special treat or new toy to cheer them up. Just being close to you however is the most important thing to them.

Your pets are feeling very sociable and friendly this month. They will not want to be alone. They want lots of people and pets around. Try to spend as much time as possible with them. They will stick to you like glue, you will feel like you are tripping over them all the time. They just seem to need a lot of attention.
Maybe you can play some extra games.

This month your pets are a little charmer. They will almost seem like they are flirting with you and everyone they come in contact with. If you are thinking of breeding this would be a good time. Their flashing eyes will make you give them anything they want. You will not be able to refuse anything they beg for – believe me- you won’t be able to say no.

This is the month your pets need some kind of work to do – they are full of energy. When you are working around the house or yard try to make them feel they are helping. Even pets need to feel important to the family. If you are working in the yard pretend they are guarding you and protecting the plants and flowers. All pets can help dig holes.

Your pets has the blahs this month. They are bored and don’t want to do anything that takes the least bit of energy. This half-hearted mood will not last long – but for now it will be impossible to get them to hardly play or take a walk. They will show not the slightest interest in things they usually go into a tailspin about. You will feel they are yawning in extreme boredom..

Your pets are very restless this month. They are excited and want new things to happen. They will pester you to pay attention and play with them. They can be a little annoying in their quest to have some fun. Try to be patient and do what you can to keep them entertained. Playing outside now can be very helpful, especially with spring here.

Your pets are in a very serious mood – not playful in the least. If there is anything you need to teach them this is a good time. They will focus and pay attention and be very calm and cool. They are not in a frivolous mood so training will be very easy. They will follow directions flawlessly and you will feel you are training a genius.

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Casting of Horoscope the Indian Way

The starting point in astrological prognostications is the astrological
chart commonly known as the horoscope. It is essential that the chart is delineated correctly and properly. To avoid faulty judgements and pronouncements it is necessary to inquire and ascertain the accuracy. These days, computer horoscopes are very common and they are prone to errors.

To cast a horoscope, three essential inputs are required - time of birth, date of birth and place of birth. Rectification of time of birth can only be done by an expert astrologer. For this he has to ascertain some past events with their timing to enable corrections to the time of birth. Sometimes, there is confusion about the dates when the birth had taken place at night. In the past, in India, the weekday was considered to last from sunrise to the next sunrise. During the war years,clocks were advanced for different periods of time. Sometimes, the year is given in Vikram era. A knowledge of these is vital for an astrologer. An astrologer should not be ignorant of manually casting the horoscope.

Two books are essential. One is the standard ephemeris and the other Raphael's "Tables of Houses". By the process of rule of three, the planetary longitudes are arrived at for the time and date of birth. For Rahu (Caput), the shadow planet, mean longitude is considered. Ketu (Cauda), another shadow planet is diagonally opposite to the position of Rahu. They are also called as the Karmic planets. The Rahu-Ketu axis is important in prognostications. The astrologer should not forget to note if any planet is retrograde. A retrograde planet gives different results depending upon its placement in the chart. The 'ayanamsa' or precession is also to be noted down. If the ephemeris is based on Sidereal or Nirayana method there is no need to deduct the ayanamsa. Next, ascertain the longitude and latitude of place of birth.Find the local time of birth if the given time is in standard time. Ascertain the sidereal time of birth and make necessary corrections for the longitude. Longitude can be either west or east. Use this information to note the cusp of rising sign (ascendent) from Raphael's tables.Again apply the rule of three to calculate the cusp. The tables also give the cusps of 10th, 11th and 12th houses. If Equal House system is followed, then cusps of the ascendent and the 10th suffice. Since the tables give the cusps in Sayana or Tropical system, ayanamsa is to be deducted to get the Nirayana or Sidereal cusps.

Once the basic chart is prepared, the balance of 'dasa' at birth is to be calculated from the moon's longitude at birth. The system commonly followed is the "Vimshottari", that is, 120 years cycle. 'Dasa' means one's state of being or condition of life prevailing. It is from this that the Indian astrologer studies the ups and downs in the nativity. In the West, directional astrology is practised. The Indian astrologer also uses the 'Gochara' or the prevailing planetary longitudes. Apart from this, recourse is also taken to 'gochara' combined with 'Ashtakavarga' (eight sections). The other derived calculations include 'vargas','balas','arudha' etc.

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Online Dating Horoscope

Have a date this Saturday? Better check if Fate is on your side, with a quick look at your online dating horoscope.

There are different kinds of horoscopes. The Western Zodiac (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, etc.) is based on your birthday. The Chinese Zodiac (Snake, Dragon, Horse, etc.) is based on your birth year. There is also numerology, which gives a number equivalent to the letters of your name, and the date, place and hour of your birth. You can also get online tarot card readings and rune readings.

Depending on how detailed your horoscope is, you can find out about your personal fortune or your compatibility with your date. A personal fortune just looks at the kind of "universal forces" you need to consider during any particular time. For example, some days you'll have a higher tendency to get into conflicts, while there are other days when everything just effortlessly falls into place. This doesn't mean you're predestined to fight by dinnertime. It just reminds you to watch out and be more conscious—sort of like the weatherman predicting rain, and saying you might as well bring an umbrella.

You can also find compatibility charts. Let's say you were born in the Year of the Dragon: can you get along with someone born in the year of the Rabbit? In Ancient China, no marriage was allowed if their horoscopes weren't "auspiciously aligned". Even if you choose to take their advice with a grain of salt, it doesn't hurt (and it's even kind of fun) to check.

Some online dating horoscopes are free. Others give a free trial, then offer more personalized or detailed charts for a small fee. It depends on what you're looking for. Some will actually go so far as to tell you which days are best for seeing people, which days you should stay in and watch reruns, what kind of lucky charms you may need to bring with you. Others give very general advice, like "It's a good month for meeting new people."

Other dating horoscopes don't focus on making predictions, but are tools for self-awareness and reflection. This is especially true for tarot or rune readings. Many of these sites believe that what the "cards" (or any other tool) tell you isn't the future, but the things going on in your life right now that may need addressing. Their philosophy is that your thoughts or emotions attract certain kinds of situations, and when you ask for a horoscope you're taking a kind of "spiritual check up" so you can correct whatever's blocking true love.

Whether you choose to get a general reading or a detailed chart, a year's predictions or a chance to reflect and assess where you are right now, online horoscopes can be an important tool for dating.

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